- With a collective wealth of knowledge and experience in construction and rettrofitting; GreyFrame and its partners can deliver a wide range of solutions for energy and moisture management, while ensuring that IAQ and thermal comfort objectives are not compromised.
- GreyFrame offers a diagnostic and consultancy service for clients who wish to carry out a detailed review of the performance of existing buildings and structures, with a view to developing a retrofit strategy with agreed roll-out milestones.
- GreyFrame sets out to provide both the building science expertise required to advise clients and real options in providing best cost alternatives for any given budget and target returns on investment.
- EWI requires a high degree of bespoke design due to the heterogeneity and complexity of homes. The currently available range of specialist products for specific detailing is either inadequate or costly.
- Lack of impartial advice is exacerbated by the conflicting advice that exists in the sector. This has led to a poor perception of certain EWI solutions for many consumers/occupants. In fact, the unintended consequences are often left out of public discourse regarding the costs and benefits associated with engaging in wide scale retrofitting.